Durable Enclosed Security Pass ID Card Holder for Lanyards 54x87mm Clear (Pack of 10) 890519



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The Durable Proximity Card Holder is a name plate hard box for securing ID cards measuring 54x85mm. Suitable for either portrait or landscape formats, the hard box is crystal clear for optimal readability and easy scanning of barcodes. Integrated thumb slot allows for easy removal of passes. Designed to protect the magnetic strip on the card, the card holder can be used with a combination with chains, reels and lanyards.

  • CRYSTAL CLEAR - Made from clear anti-glare anti-scratch coated plastic to aid legibility and improve the product life cycle
  • PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE - They feature secure horizontal and vertical fastenings for lanyards, clips and badge reels
  • ECO FRIENDLY - Environmentally friendly in accordance with ISO 14021 - 100% recyclable
  • MADE IN GERMANY - All our card holders are built in Germany to a high standard from premium quality plastics and undergo strict quality control

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