Page 15 - Education Brochure
P. 15

           I ntroducing...

           From  the  bud,  to  our  bedding  –  we  are  committed  to  all
           elements of sustainability as follows:

           Our Sustainable InitiativesOur Ethical Trading Policy
            fully endorse The Sustainable      We recognise the responsibility that
           Development Goals (SDGs)            we share with our suppliers to source
           established by the UN to guide our  products in an ethical manner. We
           principles and actions to achieve a  want our customers to be confident
           better and more sustainable future for  that the people who make our
           all. We use the online NET Positive  products are treated fairly, are not
           Futures supplier toolkit, adopted by  exploited and are not exposed to
           over 40 Higher Education Institutions,  unsafe working conditions. Our Ethical
           to support businesses in promoting  Trading Policy
           sustainability in their practices,  is a core element of our commitment to
           covering economic, social, ethical and  buy and sell our products responsibly.
           environmental aspects. This tool is
           pivotal in our company development to  Our Handling and Packaging
           ensure we generate ideas and create  We have made positive changes to
           objectives which demonstrate        ensure our packaging is recyclable and
           sustainability development, relevant  are currently working towards
           for our clients.                    reducing single use plastic packaging.
                                               We ensure main distributors align
           Our Sustainable Products            with our environmental values and
           and Supply Chain                    demonstrate the ability to efficiently
           We are pleased to introduce our new  deliver our goods using innovative
                                               collection systems and efficient
           range of sustainable products, marked  vehicles.
           with our green icon in this brochure.
           Our collection of high-             Our  Carbon  Footprint
           end cotton products are completely  and     Disposal      of
           traceable. We encourage better
           farming practice, developing        Goods
           environmental awareness whilst     Our responsibility for the environment
           helping to cultivate better cotton yields.  doesn’t stop once we’ve delivered the
           All of our organic cotton products are  goods. Disposing of our products at
           GOTS (The Global Organic Textile   the end of their life in a way that limits
           Standard) certified. We ensure our  the impact on the environment can be
           supplier’s factories are accredited to  a great challenge to our clients and
           internationally recognised standards  we are proud to offer a fully managed
           with a Senior  representative visiting  sustainable collection service that
           and auditing the site.             ensures there is no landfill and no carbon
                                              footprint. We use over 600 recycling
                                              locations across the country meaning
                                              reduced mileage and compliance
                                              documents are supplied for traceability.

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